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Comparative Literature

Literatures and cultures from across the world in dialogue

The Department of Comparative Literature brings into sharper focus literatures and cultures from around the world by holding them under a comparative light. It expands the boundaries of national traditions and bring them in dialogue with each other. 

Our curriculum seeks to prepare students for reading and research in the languages and histories of different societies and periods. It also emphasized cultural and critical analysis, literary theory and interdisciplinarity. Literary theory in all its forms helps to break down the borders between national literary fields, as well as between literary studies and other disciplines. Indeed, the discipline of Comparative Literature asks, often, just what "literature" is, and how it functions as a product of (and response to) our imaginations, our languages, and our social and economic lives. Students in our courses, majors in the department, and graduate students in the Ph.D. program all interact to shape debates about the place of the verbal and visual arts (and the methods of their study) in past times and our own.

Statement on Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

Comparative Literature condemns sexual harassment and sexual violence unequivocally. Such behavior is inimical to a productive learning environment and incompatible with the values of our department and discipline. We pledge to oppose such behavior, just as we promise to work with appropriate university offices to accommodate, support, and protect any student who is a survivor of sexual harassment or sexual violence or has been a victim of retaliation.

Upcoming Events

Monday, January 27, 2025, 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Building 360
Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity (CCSRE), 450 Jane Stanford Way Building 360, Stanford, CA 94305
Conference Room

Assistant Professor of Modern Hebrew Literature at New York University, Roni Henig is the author of On Revival: Hebrew Literature Between Life and Death (UPenn Press, 2024).

Thursday, January 30, 2025, 4:30pm
CCSRE Boardroom (Building 360, Room 361J)
450 Jane Stanford Way, Building 360, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305

Please join us for a converation with Dr. Thomas Sparr on his research and book about The Diary of Anne Frank on January 30, 2025 at 4:30 pm.


The DLCL joins the international digital humanities community in remembering the life and legacy of C. Michael Sperberg-McQueen (1954-2024). Michael received his B.A. in German Studies and Comparative Literature with distinction, and with Honors…
2024 DLCL Commencement Address by Fatoumata Seck, Assistant Professor of French and Italian and, by courtesy, of Comparative Literature.
Here are the forms to submit papers to the DLCL Undergraduate Academic Prizes for Academic Year 2023-2024.