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CMEMS: Dror Wahrman (Hebrew U. Jerusalem)

Wed April 12th 2023, 12:00 - 1:15pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 252

Organized and hosted by the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS).

Dror Wahrman (Hebrew U. Jerusalem) will give a talk titled "The Solomonic Moment: Thrones, Crowns, and the Material Traces of Early Modern Global Absolutism".

Please note that this is a pre-circulated paper. Those with Stanford-affiliated emails can access the paper here via a link a week before the talk. For those outside of the Stanford community, email cmemsinfo [at] (cmemsinfo[at]stanford[dot]edu) to receive a copy of the paper. 

Responses by Sina Salessi and Nancy Kollman

Interested in Wahrman's work? See his events at the University of California-Berkeley. 

The CMEMS Workshop series meets most Wednesdays during the academic year. See the CMEMS website for the list of upcoming speakers.