CMEMS: Isabelle Marchesin

Wed February 5th 2020, 12:00 - 1:15pm
Pigott Hall (Bldg 260), Room 252

Speaker(s): Isabelle Marchesin (Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art in Paris)

The Bronze Door of Hildesheim (1015): a methodological proposition in the study of monumental iconic programs
Drawing on the example of Bernward’s bronze door cast in Saxony in 1015, this lecture aims to show why and how a “total history” is relevant for monumental artefacts, considering them both as works of art and historical sources. Marchesin will thus combine several approaches – historical, situational, technical, cultural, material, cognitive, religious, and semiotic – in order to highlight the very mechanisms of the creation process, its motivations, its goals, and its achievements.
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