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The Renaissances Graduate Research Series: "Apprehension, Imagination, Memory: Re-thinking Early Modern Cognition"

Wed January 10th 2018, 12:00 - 2:00pm

Dear members of the Renaissances community,
Please join us this Wednesday at noon for our event “Apprehension, Imagination, Memory: Re-thinking Early Modern Cognition,” a conversation between Andrea Frisch and Cécile Tresfels, part of the Renaissances Graduate Research Series, which stages conversations between advanced Ph.D. students at Stanford and interlocutors of their work.
Please note that the event HAS BEEN RE-SCHEDULED TO LUNCH TIME, 12-2pm on Wednesday, January 10th, in Pigott Hall (Bldg. 260), Room 216, due to a scheduling conflict.
It will thus overlap with the CMEMS event planned on that day and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
For our winter event, Cécile Tresfels, a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in French, will present a chapter of her dissertation, "Apprehending the Devil: Cognitive Uncertainties in Léry’s History of a Voyage to the Land of Brazil." In this central chapter to her dissertation project, Cécile explores the semantic shift that the word "apréhension" underwent, a shift that marks a bigger epistemological change.
She will be joined by Andrea Frisch, Associate Professor of French at the University of Maryland. She is the author of The Invention of the Eyewitness: Witnessing and Testimony in Early Modern France (2004) and of Forgetting Differences: Tragedy, Historiography, and the French Wars of Religion (2015). She will be sharing an essay titled "Decorum and the Dignity of Memory," which is part of her current larger project on the multiple discourses on memory. For a more detailed description of both projects, please, read the two paragraphs below, provided by both authors.
Both will briefly present on their works in progress (attached below). These presentations will set up points of intersection between the two projects and we will then open the floor to discussion and questions.
Please RSVP to: mlmenna [at] (mlmenna[at]stanford[dot]edu) or leogvell [at] (leogvell[at]stanford[dot]edu)
Leo Grao Velloso Damato Oliveira, Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford University
Michael Lind Menna, Ph.D. Candidate, Stanford University
Roland Greene, Professor of English and Comparative Literature