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South of South: Darvish Khan Esfandiarpur, Imagination and Freedom

Fri February 21st 2020, 2:00 - 4:00pm
Pigott Hall, Bldg 260, Rm 216

Professor Marie Huber (Persian and Comparative Literature) will kick-off the session. In preparation for the discussion, Prof. Huber recommends Michelle Karnes’ “Marvels in the Medieval Imagination” and, for additional background, René Theberge’s “Iran: Ten Years After the ‘White Revolution’.” Both articles can be accessed here. Participants who do not have SUNet credentials, please contact the nse [at] (subject: South%20of%20South) (graduate student coordinator).
We will meet this Friday, February 21st from 2pm to 4pm, in Pigott Hall (bldg. 260) room 216. As always, coffee and snacks will be served.