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Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship at Stanford 2018-2019

The Department of German Studies at Stanford University is pleased to announce the Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship for 2018-2019 and to request applications, due by December 1, 2017.

The Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship is open to professors at German universities with distinguished scholarly accomplishments in a historical humanities department other than literature, such as: History, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Art History or Music History, with a specific focus on any area within German Studies. Applicants should have a strong record of teaching.

The Gerda Henkel Visiting Professor at Stanford University will normally be on research leave from his or her home university and will be appointed at Stanford for one academic quarter (three months) to be scheduled at mutual convenience. A stipend is available to help defray costs of the visit. The Visiting Professor will be expected to offer one course, typically in seminar format. The visitor will be fully integrated into the academic and intellectual life of the department, including participation in colloquia. In addition, the Visiting Professor will deliver one formal lecture, advertised to the university community and open to the public.

The academic quarters for 2018-2019 are autumn: September 24-December 14; winter: January 7-March 22; and spring: April 1-June 12.

Applications should include a statement of interest, a full c.v. and bibliography, a selection of proposed courses, a description of teaching experience, and the preferred term for residence at Stanford. Inquiries and applications should be sent electronically (with attachments) to Ms. Christine Onorato at conorato [at] (conorato[at]stanford[dot]edu).


The Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship at Stanford University is supported through the generosity of the Gerda Henkel Stiftung (Düsseldorf). All inquiries should be directed to the Department of German Studies at Stanford (mrobins [at] (conorato[at]stanford[dot]edu)).

The competition is open to distinguished scholars who are professors at universities in Germany. They will be appointed as Visiting Professors at Stanford.

Applications are welcome from scholars in the historical humanities fields listed in the call, with a specialization on a topic within German Studies, broadly understood, e.g. German history, philosophy, religion or the arts in Germany.

The visitor receives a salary in gross U.S. Dollars, dependent on the exchange rate obtained by the university, equivalent to 19,000 Euros (before taxes and other pay deductions). The net pay will depend on the visitor’s personal tax-reporting situation. Having a U.S. social security number would facilitate matters; visitors without a social security number will have to obtain one. As is normal at Stanford, payment is spread over the quarter in bi-weekly payments on the 7th and 22nd of each month.

The cost of round-trip economy class airfare (and related ground transportation) will be reimbursed, against receipts. Travel costs of family members are not covered.

It is exclusively the visitor’s responsibility to secure housing appropriate to his or her needs and to pay for it, and other daily expenses, from the stipend. There is no supplementary housing support. The Department of German Studies can provide some advice for the housing search.

Applicants should typically propose 3-4 possible courses that they could offer during their stay. The department will choose the one most appropriate to curricular needs. These proposed courses should be addressed to graduate students and advanced undergraduates. Courses will be seminar style (discussion based), rather than lectures, in German or in English.

The department will provide a suitable office with an internet connection, a telephone, and facilities for faxing, mail and copying.