"Hannah Arendt's Jewish Questions" International Conference

Between December 6th and 8th 2022, we will host an international conference titled "Hannah Arendt's Jewish Questions." Featuring a keynote from Judith Butler, the conference will be the first in a series of events planned in conjunction with the editorial work on volume four of the Arendt Kritische Gesamtausgabe, "The Jewish Writings," scheduled to be published in 2028 (https://www.arendteditionprojekt.de/index.html ). The conference, and the subsequent publication of the papers in a companion volume, will enliven the broader conversation about Arendt and Jewish thought, her writing on Jewish politics and history, and the reception of her work by Jewish thinkers. The conference is a collaboration between the Taube Center for Jewish Studies at Stanford University and the Greenberg Center for Jewish Studies at the University of Chicago, organized by Stanford German Studies Professor Amir Eshel, University of Chicago Professor Na'ama Rokem (PhD Stanford 2007), Bard College Professor Thomas Wild, Vanderbilt University Professor Barbara Hahn and graduate student organizer Courtney Hodrick. For more information please contact by email: hodrickc [at] stanford.edu (hodrickc[at]stanford[dot]edu).
Full list of conference participants:
Ariella Azoulay
Leora Batnitzky
Sheyla Benhabib
Judith Butler (Keynote Speaker)
Amir Eshel (co-organizer)
Barbara Hahn (co-organizer; not presenting)
Courtney Hodrick
Orit Malka
Thomas Meyer
Susan Neiman
Neil Roberts
Na’ama Rokem (co-organizer)
Michael Rothberg
Adam Stern
Sonali Thakkar
Thomas Wild (co-organizer; not presenting)
Photo credit: By Barbara Niggl Radloff - sammlungonline.muenchner-stadtmuseum.de, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=104669642