Haiyan Lee
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Haiyan Lee

Professor of Comparative Literature
Professor of East Asian Languages and Cultures
Walter A. Haas Professor of the Humanities
2002: Ph.D., Cornell University, East Asian Literature
1994: M.A., University of Chicago, East Asian Languages and Civilizations
1990: B.A., Peking University, Philosophy and Religious Studies

Before coming to Stanford in 2009, Haiyan Lee taught at the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Hong Kong, and held post-doctoral fellowships at Cornell University and Harvard University. Her first book, "Revolution of the Heart: A Genealogy of Love in China, 1900-1950," is a critical genealogy of the idea of “love” (qing) in modern Chinese literary and cultural history. It is the first recipient of the Joseph Levenson Prize in the field of modern Chinese literature. Her second book, "The Stranger and the Chinese Moral Imagination," examines how the figure of “the stranger” — foreigner, migrant, class enemy, woman, animal, ghost — in Chinese fiction, film, television, and exhibition culture tests the moral limits of a society known for the primacy of consanguinity and familiarity. Her most recent book, "A Certain Justice: Toward an Ecology of the Chinese Legal Imagination" investigates Chinese visions of “justice” at the intersection of narrative, law, and ethics.

For more about her work, go to https://profiles.stanford.edu/haiyan-lee.



Office Hours

By appointment

Research Interests

  • Anthropology


  • Asian Languages, Literatures, and Cultures


  • Cognitive Studies


  • Literary Criticism (history of criticism, theory of literature)


  • Philosophy and Literature


  • Political History, Theory & Culture